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Singer Avril Drops A Bombshell That Will Hit You Like Tsunami

Just when you think you have our celebrities all figured out they drop a bomb that will make you go all like ‘whaat?
In a recent interview,’ Kitu Kimoja songbird dropped a bombshell when she revealed that when she made her debut in showbiz she dint want her face to be seen by the public.
“When I ventured into music industry, I wanted to do my videos in animation because I didn’t want people to see my face. I did not want all that attention on me or have all these things in all on me.” she says.
She however had a change of heart after her team decided that her face would help in selling the music. And they were right, a huge part of Avril’s appeal is based on how she looks and being on every hotlist has certainly helped push her carer.
I bet you didn’t know that about Avril