Most married women have ‘mboch’ problems. They always have that fear that their maids might sleep with their husbands. Well guess what, these women have every reason to be afraid because men sleep with maids all the time. So as a married woman, how do you prevent such inglorious acts from happening? Here’s how.
RULE NUMBER 1: Do not be cruel to your mboch
Forge a good relationship with your house help. Make her respect and adore you more than her husband. Don’t allow your children to disrespect her too. When you are good to her, there’s a chance that she’ll resist if your husband decides to ask for sexual favors from her. But if you are harsh to her, she will either seduce him just to punish you or she won't decline to open her legs when he asks.
RULE NUMBER 2: Hire an ugly mboch or a relative
Your maid should not be pretty. You should be way hotter than her. Make sure the mboch you hire has legs that look like those of an elephant. Make sure her face is hideous. Make sure she has no desirable a$s or boobies. It would be even better if her dress code consists of those long skirts that sweep the floor. or better yet, just hire a relative
RULE NUMBER 3: Be the queen of the kitchen
Don't surrender your kitchen to your maid. She should never be the one cooking for your husband or serving him his food all the time. We men do fall in love with the hands that cook and serve us our meals. If your mboch can successfully replace you in the kitchen, your husband may not see reason why she cannot replace you in the bedroom too.
RULE NUMBER 4: Be Unpredictable with your arrival times
Don't get home at 6pm every day. Your arrival time shouldn’t be predictable. Get home at times the time your maid is not expecting you. Cut short your journeys at times to arrive a day earlier than planned. Tell her you’ll come back on Saturday but then show up on Friday. This way, she’ll be afraid to try anything.
.RULE NUMBER 5: Know when to fire her
Better safe than sorry. Most women do know the time to hire house maid but do find it hard to know the time to fire her. Know that it’s time to let her go if:
# She becomes too close to your husband.
# She begins to disrespect your husband, there may be reasons for that which she and your husband can not say to you. .
# You catch her in uncompromising situation with your husband.
# You feel she is trying to seduce your husband.
# She becomes too close to your husband.
# She begins to disrespect your husband, there may be reasons for that which she and your husband can not say to you. .
# You catch her in uncompromising situation with your husband.
# You feel she is trying to seduce your husband.