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The Amount Is Too Little! Cyprian Nyakundi Turns Down Caroline Mutoko’s 10k Cheque

Twitter bigwig, Cyprian Nyakundi, doesn’t accept pocket-change ‘bribe’! Caroline Mutoko ought to have increased the amount and MAYBE Cyprian would have considered taking her cheque.
Cyprian Nyakundi and Caroline Mutoko have been exchanging fire ever since the former went HAM on her claiming she was involved in some sort of prostitution.
Last week, the former radio queen wrote Nyakundi a Kes 10,000 cheque for vomiting on her well-manicured reputation.
Nyakundi has since responded to Caroline’s generous offer. The blogger says the amount Caroline offered him was not even close to what the web-hosting fee’s for his platform cost.
He says Caroline decision to offer him money instead of responding to the issue at hand was a revelation of her feministic nature to show strength and financial muscle over men.
“That Caroline Mutoko would contemptuously screen-shot a cheque of Kshs. 10,000 in the bid to show the world that she is too big to respond to an article casting aspersions on her character. The sum in question was drafted specifically to ridicule the owner of this site, pegging a value to mock his net-worth, the figure not being even close to what the web-hosting fee’s for this platform cost. Typical of Caroline Mutoko’s male-bashing theatrics, where she plays to the feminists-gallery, seeking to show strength and financial muscle over men. Bring a man down by any means necessary. We imagine that she buys love, sex and children in similar fashion. Oh wait! She actually did.” Wrote Nyakundi in part.