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How To Stay Away From Crazy Women (Who Might Kill You)

If you’ve been watching the news lately, then you know that a UON student was stabbed to death by his girlfriend because he posted a photo of another chic on his Facebook wall. Apparently the chic whose photo he had posted was just his friend. A guy gets killed for posting a photo of his friend. This is some messed up shit right here,
Now guys, this is the kind of situation you don’t want to find yourself in, especially if you love women. You are better off avoiding chics who exhibit psychotic tendencies at all costs.
Some women love to instigate relationship drama, and to wallow in it, because it reassures them that they are loved. Men on the other hand do not need drama to feel loved. Men need unlimited access vagina to feel loved. In fact, men feel worse when a relationship is going through a dramatic stage.
So if you are a man who is constantly subjected to drama, your best bet is to walk away.Better, yet, just back out before things get too extreme. But how can you tell if you are seeing a psychotic chic who might harm you in future?
She wants to communicate with you all the time
She doesn’t want to understand that you are in class or at work. She just wants the two of you to keep chatting or talking from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Even when you are in the toilet, she wants to know if your feaces are hard or soft. This is a jealous, idle and obsessed chic. The only reason she is doing this is because she doesn’t want you to talk to other girls. And when she discovers you are, your intestines might be pulled out like you are a character in one of the Saw movies. Just dump such a girl easily. The sooner the better..
She wants to fight over nothing
You know those girls who whenever you start arguing, they start poking you in the face and telling you “nipige….nipige”? Girls who always charge a high voltage jolt of drama into every little mistake you do are not worth your time, they deserve to die single while watching their cats mate.
All chics posses the urge to fight, although the degree to which the urge expresses itself varies in its intensity among women. If your chic never wants to argue, that’s a problem too, coz she might be getting dicked by Njoro ule anauzanga movie pale tao. But if she picks up an iron box to hit you with coz you didn’t flash the toilet, flee like Lot out of Sodom
She is unpredictable
If you are dating a girl who likes to show up with your place or work without warning, you need to reconsider. Don’t brush it off as nothing. Her obvious motives are to mark her territory or catch you cheating. And you don’t wanna know what she will do if she does.
I would advise every man to have a predictable chic. A predictable chic of sufficient beauty is a godsend to men, for her reliable nature provides a linearity upon which men can hitch their future behavior which assures the snatch will flow. All men crave drama-free quality punani. Many men are stuck with drama-filled punani because they crave the punani more than they crave the drama-free lifestyle. Don’t be that guy who gets his 72-inch TV smashed to pieces.
She is a feminist.
Do not date feminists. The goal of feminists is to make men’s lives difficult. What they are really doing is teaching their fellow women to be second-rate men rather than first-rate women. Women in the 80s going backwards were not feminists and that’s when marriages used to survive or 50 to 70 years plus. Nowadays there is this movement consisting of women who want their gender to be superior to the male one. If you notice that a girl you wanna date is championing for uniformity and equality, back off. Hate and frustration is the emotional impetus that motivates feminists.