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CELEBS “Pregnancy Is Not A Joke” Cries Size 8

It’s a passage all women will have to pass through, if they are willing to that is. But pregnancy is not a joke nor is it a laughing matter. To carry a child in the womb for nine months is tiring and no woman becomes pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people.
Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman’s crowning creative experience of a lifetime. However the journey gets a bit too tiresome making one wish there was a button that could turn things around.
size 8 pgThe pregnancy journey        has been tough to the few celeb expectant mums like Size 8 and the rest, . Through their social media we are able to keep up with their struggles as they come close to the ninth which is the final month of delivering their babies.
Size 8 has been honest as possible and admits that her pregnancy journey has not been an easy one. But through it all she has learned a lot and has gained more respect for her mum who went through the same experiences for her seven kids. She said
Kuchoka nayo…….. I’ve tried all angles but I still look tired….. waaaa pregnancy is not a joke. To all women who are in this with me or have been there before salute……… naskia kuchoka ,nausea, my legs are swollen but life has to continue respect to my mum she had 7 of us and worked all through all her pregnancie